Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I woke up this morning and thought that I have lived and am living in a period that has now surpassed the first part if the 2oth century in historical significance. After all those years of pledging alligience to "liberty and justice for all" I see that maybe it wasn't just "for show".


Mark Potoshnik said...

Very profound way of putting it. Culturally this is a very significant step forward. I am now left to hope that the pressures for success do not inhibit his abilities to lead. Will Obama remain as popular if teh economy does not improve during his tenure?

amy said...

I was right there with you. I kept thinking, "I am alive for this moment in history." It is hard for me to articulate my exact feeling on Wednesday morning, but I felt different. I was sitting on the bus on my way to work, looking around, and feeling very connected to everyone around me. I felt like things are going to change. . . for the better.

I was listening to NPR this morning (Thursday) and they were talking about an ethnically diverse High School in Washington D.C. They were interviewing students there about their response to the election.